    Added:2020-03-06     Views:

    1. If children are transferred from other kindergartens and have the health certificate provided by the kindergarten doctor,

    do they need to have a physical examination again?

    A: a health certificate does not require a re-examination within six months.

    2. when was the campus built?

    A: The kindergarten was built and decorated in November 2017, and it has been more than two years since then. The building

    materials that we use when decorating are environmental protection material, for example plank is E0 class, the top class

    environmental protection performance that wall lacquer USES. Furniture is a high-end furniture brand that meets European

    Union and FDA certification standards.We've done air treatments and air tests twice. All the tests are qualified.

    And we every day open the window for ventilation. Each class is equipped with a fresh air system.

    And it can be detected at all times.

    3. How many children can a school bus carry? Is there a safety guarantee for the school bus? In addition to the driver

    on the school bus, will the kindergarten also arrange teachers to help?

    A: The school bus can carry 8-12 children; Every school bus has teachers to help during commute; The bus ride usually takes

    no more than an hour.

    4.Where are the foreign teachers from?

    A: we mainly hope that the teacher will give more multicultural influence to the children. Let children understand the diversity

    of international culture. Foreign teachers come from American and European countries. All of them majored in Education or

    English with more than 3 years of teaching experience.

    5. Whats the plan for winter and summer vacation?

    A: Every year we have two months flexible holiday (in August and the Spring Festival month), children can either take days off

    to enjoy the vacation or to attend as usual. During the holiday,we will charge fees by their actual attending days. What's more,

    we will arrange the teachers accordingly.Pls notice that it may happen we combine kids from different classes together to fom

    a new class during the vacation and arrange.

    6. How is the ratio of Chinese to English classes in the kindergarten?

    A: the kindergarten English teacher is in class all day to provide the children with a bilingual and immersive language environment.

    7.Can private cars drive into the campus to pick up and drop off children? If not, how to park nearby?

    A: Vehicles are not allowed to enter the campus (including non-motor vehicles) at all times.Parents can park at the parking lot nearby.

    8. What textbooks are used in the kindergarten?

    A: Montessori international class is a pure montessori system. The morning hours are montessori's work, and the other hours are arranged

    for project teaching and leadership courses.

    Forest international class is a personalized teaching system based on the ideas of montessori, reggio and forest education. Based on the

    PBL project-style teaching method, forest education and STEM education are combined to explore and generate curriculum. The content

    follows the "guide to the learning and development of children aged 3-6", and the teacher generates the curriculum according to the

    children's interest.

    International and bilingual classes have one day a week for forest education, either in parks or in forest schools. The combination of

    education and life, so that children in the interaction with nature to achieve comprehensive development.

    The English language is super safari children's English textbook from Cambridge university press. In the future, children will take the

    Cambridge children's English test.

    Forest international mathematics class USES PBI company mathematical thinking training. PBI company emphasizes the personalization,

    the teacher according to the situation of the children for the children to prepare for the development of his work content.

    9. What is the difference between forest international class and montessori international class?

    A: Montessori international class is all English class, the Chinese teacher also must know English, can communicate with the child in English.

    80% of the day is English immersion. Let the child develop the language habit of speaking in English, let the child in the brockas area is not

    closed, a large amount of input, stored in his brain, later when the use of direct access, do not need to learn English as adults need to be

    converted, the child is literal translation.In terms of teacher allocation, the working experience and qualifications of international class teachers

    are required to be higher. To be certified by AMI or AMS international.Teaching methods montessori international class is montessori education

    +PBL project teaching. Forest international class is mainly based on project teaching. Forest international class is 50% in English and 50% in English.

    10.Will there be English classes in the kindergarten? Do you have specific natural spelling, graded reading and so on?

    Will math classes begin in kindergarten?

    A: the curriculum system of the kindergarten is divided into four parts, namely: Leadership theme course, one-day nature school, diversified

    Leadership course, and free games. The curriculum includes English, mathematics, science, nature, and art.

    11. What is the biggest difference between you and other kindergartens?

    A: the biggest difference of our kindergarten lies in the education mode. Instead of letting the children be confined in the classroom every day,

    we pay more attention to outdoor education and let the children study in a more open environment. The kindergarten has four days and one

    day is in the park. Children learn better in nature. There is a large space for exploration, which can stimulate children's curiosity more than the

    classroom. There are more low-structured materials outdoors, which can stimulate children's creativity and imagination. And nature is different

    all year round, changing every day, and children are discovering more.

    Our teachers are not teacher-centered, they are observers and facilitators. Not actively inculcating knowledge and skills increases the pressure

    on the child, but at the same time sets the rules with the child and does not leave the child alone. For example, the child would come and tell

    the teacher that I found a dragonfly, and the teacher would ask him, why do you think this is a dragonfly? Where have you ever seen a dragonfly?

    When have you seen it? Instead of giving the child a direct answer, we ask the child a lot of open questions. Instead, we let the child think

    independently and promote the integration of the brain.

    The teacher will observe and evaluate each child and their behavior, understand their ability and activity progress, so as to evaluate the child,

    give feedback to parents, and adjust the direction of the subject. The teacher will allow the children to do their own activities, but at the

    appropriate time to guide the children, inspiration and ideas; To provide timely and appropriate help and support when they are in difficulty or

    in need;

    Different from traditional kindergartens in terms of teaching, waldkindergarten adopts child-oriented teaching method, which enables children

    to lead the whole process of activities in mutual communication, communication, discussion and help, and gradually cultivate children's

    independent inquiry and critical thinking ability, and improve their practical ability, imagination and creativity. Waldkindergarten lays more

    emphasis on setting and carrying out theme-based teaching activities for individual differences and interests of each child. These activities are

    preset before class, but the teaching site will be extended and changed according to the current situation.

    12. Is it possible to extend the school day to around 5:30? Do you consider setting up delayed hosting? How much is the delay time?

    A: at present, the time of liedus' quiet school is 5 p.m., and the latest time for the kindergarten to pick up the children is 5:30 p.m., the time of

    delayed custody is calculated from 5:30 p.m., and the fee is 40 yuan per hour per day.

    13. Considering that the child may be unable to attend classes due to illness and other reasons during the kindergarten period?

    Will the school refund the fees if the school cannot attend classes for a long time?

    Answer: attendance less than five days, charge 70% of the fee, full five days, charge the whole month. Meals are charged per day. Other fees

    are not refundable.

    14.Is the kindergarten tuition paid monthly? According to the years? By term? Can I ask for leave in the middle of the term?

    Ask for leave during (if be a whole month) can tuition fee return?

    A: tuition is paid annually. In the middle can ask for leave, refund policy details 13.

    15.Do you have any regular outdoor activities? For example, the museum park.

    A: the one-day waldkindergarten program ensures that children go out once a week. In addition, there are outdoor activities in the

    project-based learning process, according to the specific needs of the course.

    16. Will cameras be installed in the kindergarten classrooms? Can parents review the video if they have questions?

    A: the area where the kindergarten is located has camera coverage (except the bathroom). School parents can see their children's daily school

    situation through "food and security campus" every day, the video is open for two hours every day, the third party charges. There is no clear

    regulation on video inspection, and parents can communicate with the school through the parents' committee.

    17. if the child is three years old and in the early-level class. Will she/he go to the middle-level class in a year or half a year?

    A: one year .

    18. How is the classroom temperature managed?

    A: We have central air conditioning to manage the temperature properly .

    19. Because of the frequent and important food safety problems in school, does the school have the supervision and management measures

    such as the escort system? Whether can have the measure such as the companion meal that the family committee or try to eat to undertake

    regular or irregular superintendently?

    A: three meals two snacks (breakfast, lunch, dinner and on, afternoon snack) are provided by the reed kindergarten canteen, the responsible

    person of the canteen is the national first class nutritionist, can ensure the daily nutrition of the children. The food materials are provided by

    high-quality food material suppliers, which have provided food materials to many kindergartens in Beijing for more than 10 years without any

    food safety problems. The children of most of the employees' children eat together in Leeds. The garden leaders accompany the meals every

    day, and the parents of the family committee often come to dinner.

    20. Will the route of the school bus be adjusted? What is the approximate cost for one month?

    A: the school bus will be adjusted every fall. Fees are charged according to distance, 300-1000/ month.

    21. Is there any household registration requirement for admission in Beijing?

    A: there are no household registration and nationality restrictions.

    22. What kind of interest classes are there?

    A: the current extracurricular classes are: dance, piano, violin, baseball and softball, programming classes. Later according to the need to open

    the magic cube, interesting characters, Chinese and World History, English story&Drama, hero, mathematical thinking, robot, training base,

    the structures, components aesthetics, traditional Chinese art, piano, drums, music games, drama club, orchestra, Dance&Fitness, children's yoga,

    cello, football, basketball, gymnastics, sports games, and etc.

    23.How many classes is the kindergarten expected to open?

    A: at present, there are six classes and we expect to open another nine classes soon.

    24.on the kindergarten need to be able to go to the bathroom or can wear diapers?

    A: need the baby to get rid of the diaper, the teacher can assist the baby to go to the toilet.

    25.How can I apply for the kindergarten?

    A: Pls follow our wechat offical account and scan our QR code for admission.

    26. Will you open an English class?

    A: Montessori international class is all English class.

    27. Do we have to hold Chinese ID or BJ ID for the application?

    A: Yes, there are no nationality restrictions for registration.

    28. Can the school bus route be expanded? For example, to tongzhou area

    A: school bus routes will be added in the spring of 2020. The bus ride is usually limited to less than an hour.

    29.What level can kindergarten children reach in English?

    A: the foreign teacher of liedus kindergarten is in the class all day, English will run through everyday study and life, simple communication is

    no problem. There are no requirements for learning English such as words and phrases.

    30.What's the age limit for admission?

    A: the current minimum admission age is 1.5 years old.

    31. What's the difference between you and the surrounding kindergartens?

    (1)the teacher's faculty, the profession is strong, the experience is rich. Our curriculum is designed according to the children's interests, in line with

    the characteristics of the children. Every teacher has learned positive discipline, and knows to start from the child's heart, and pay attention to the

    child's needs.

    (2)Our curriculum adopts the PBL teaching method, which is an interdisciplinary teaching scheme, with 19 UN sustainable development projects as

    the projects, and the curriculum design around these projects. The children are completely independent in this process.

    (3) Our forest education is designed once a week with 24 solar terms as the main line, and we have a lot of time for outdoor activities every week.

    (4) Abundant specialty classes, lego, PBI thinking ,math, violin, piano, basketball, football. Children here basically do not need to take extra classes

    like physical, thinking, art training courses .Instead, parents can make plans according to children's interests.
