Teaching Philosophy

    Teaching idea

    Teaching in love with the development of the whole people

    1Take love and morality as the starting point - "love" is the source and driving force of everything. In Leeds, our "home", we hope to make respect, care, example, honor and gratitude as our specific actions for love.

    2Based on professional Preschool Education - professional, modest, enthusiastic, respectful, communicative and experienced, it is the direction of leades to select and cultivate teachers, fully support teachers and let teachers fully show their professional knowledge and quality.

    3Based on adaptive development - children believe in what they see, hear, touch, observe and feel. Therefore, children are allowed to have different interests and needs. At the same time, children are allowed to have different degrees of performance in various abilities. In terms of learning arrangements, apple trees provide children with different levels of development opportunities based on the principle of individual differences.

    4Take gratitude and respect as attitude - the most basic condition for sincere treatment between people is mutual love, trust and respect. Lades follows the principle of mutual trust and mutual respect; treats adults and children equally and respectfully, so "teachers and children can

    Participate in decisions related to them. And everyone's opinions and needs are paid the same attention, so from the feeling of being loved, believed and respected, we can respect ourselves and others.

    5Take human care as the belief - children are an independent and complete individual, not an accessory of adults, and should be absolutely valued. Therefore, leades especially emphasizes the belief of "children first".

    6Play is an important way for children's learning. In the arrangement of learning activities, play is the best way to promote children's learning. It can guide children's spontaneous learning and construct their own knowledge field with the help of learning area and theme situation.

    7Multi domain orientation - the teacher arranges a "rich learning situation" according to the children's "development needs" in the age group. In the process of learning, we should develop, add, adjust, change or change with our children in a timely and appropriate manner, so as to provide them with a free, participating, enriching, exploring and surprising learning field, so as to enhance their development and develop their potential.

    8Based on the principle of open creation - in an open spirit, the whole school and community is the "classroom", which allows children to observe, read books, listen to music, operate toys, construct building blocks, shape or draw pictures freely, carry out experiments or play various roles in the learning environment "according to their own development pace". In such an environment, it is the child who "actively chooses the activities or materials he wants to learn", from which he can develop the opportunity to make decisions for himself and to discover and create his own abilities. Leedes is attentive in the general environment and more careful in every corner of learning.

    9For the purpose of effective learning - through "corner learning", "group activities", "group teaching", "spontaneous learning", "peer teaching", "group teaching", "individual teaching", "individual learning" And other diversified learning methods lead children to multiple effective learning. According to the children's "age", "ability", "degree", "interest" and the part of "enhancement" or "advantage wisdom", the teacher will use various teaching materials, teaching aids, materials, toys and information And so on, in the way of practical operation and game, to provide to children, so that the advantage intelligence can be developed, and learning ability can be increased.

    10Based on happy nature - the ideal school in general cognition should be a warm and comfortable indoor space, full of exploration opportunities and design of practical life, and a happy natural environment, which is the first thing to help children develop mentally and physically. Urban population is dense, land is scarce, and space is not easy to obtain. This is an inevitable restriction for kindergartens in big cities. Parents also have to warn their children about the functionality of their lives. They should not jump, exceed here, there, and so on. Too many don't, can't, limit their children's many happy learning experiences of free exploration, and their limbs and emotions can't be extended.